The PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund provides the following supplemental retiree benefits: dental, prescription drugs, vision and hearing benefits. These benefits are described in this Summary Plan Description. Some of these Welfare Fund benefits vary according to whether the retiree is over or under age 65.
You are eligible to apply for Welfare Fund retiree benefits if you are eligible for CUNY basic health insurance (NYC Health Benefits Program) as a retiree. If you waive CUNY basic health insurance, you will not be eligible for the Welfare Fund Prescription Drug Plan. Your Welfare Fund benefits will be limited to Dental, Vision and Hearing.
CUNY retirees who are over 65 years old must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B to be eligible for Welfare Fund Supplemental Benefits.
Persons who waive basic health insurance coverage through the NYC Health Benefits Plan should contact the Fund office.